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Thursday 20th June, 6-10pm

Christina’s, the all-day cocktail and natural wine bar on the ground floor of Mondrian Shoreditch, demonstrating sustainable cocktail creations and championing local produce, announces The Hideout as its next collaboration as part of its Great British Takeover Series. Welcoming one of the world’s top 50 bars, The Hideout, will be taking over the helm of Christina’s for one night only, offering up a number of bespoke cocktails, using foraged ingredients and local produce, blended with different spirits from East London Liquor Co., one of the key brands distributed by Mangrove Global.

One of Bath’s most exciting and experimental cocktail bars, The Hideout is hidden away in the historical lanes of the City. Stonewalled, wood-laden and walls lined with whiskey for every taste, legend tells us this was originally a hoard for thieves, highwaymen, scoundrels and opportunists alike, a place to laugh and cheer. A meeting place for every lawless reprobate for miles around, where stories are told and drinks are shared. The essence of this famed location will be celebrated at Christina’s through beautifully crafted cocktails devised from stories and the finest and freshest ingredients, created by Daniel Tanner and Louis Moon.

We are absolutely thrilled to welcome The Hideout to Christina’s as part of our Great British Takeover Series. This collaboration is a unique opportunity to bring together two celebrated cocktail cultures, blending our commitment to sustainability and local produce with The Hideout’s rich storytelling and innovative cocktail creations. We can’t wait for our guests to experience the magic of this one-night-only event, where every drink tells a story and every ingredient is a testament to the finest and freshest produce from our region.” – Sam Russell, Bar Manager of Christina’s Shoreditch.

Working with Gourmet Gatherings, a foraging company, ‘wild foods’ will feature throughout the menu. Sharing in Christina’s hyper-focused approach in sourcing ingredients locally, reducing waste and consideration around the carbon footprint of each creation, the team foraged ingredients from along the Severn Estuary, experimenting with what would pair with the East London Liquor Co. produce. Larch, Maritime Pine, Sorrel, Wood Avens root, Alexanders and wild Fennel were all tested and the final results will be unveiled at the takeover.

“Getting foraged flavours into drinks is much more sustainable than the restaurant scene. For example, to gather enough ingredients for 300 weekend covers in a busy restaurant, is taking an awful lot of volume out of the wild, where these ingredients have an important role to play. Whereas to distil an entire bottle of spirit with a foraged flavour, requires only a couple of grams of the raw ingredient, so a little goes a lot further. It’s exciting to see what the final output will be!”- Chloe Newcomb Hodgetts, Gourmet Gatherings.

A natural partner to the Great British Takeover, East London Liquor Co. has collaborated with Mondrian Shoreditch and Christina’s for years. Named after the place and soaked in its spirit, the collaboration between the two brands embodies the rich creativity and neighbourly culture of the East End. The distillery for East London Liquor Co. is situated a short distance from the hotel and the two have even collaborated on a Whisky. Originally launched with gin, the brand now offers a selection of white and dark spirits, including the production of London’s first Rye Whisky for over a century.

When different venues and brands come together to collaborate, the results can be exceptional. And this latest activation coming to Shoreditch hotspot, Christina’s, is an excellent example of this. Through collaboration between Christina’s, The Hideout, East London Liquor Co., and spirits distributor Mangrove Global, the innovative group have created a new culinary concept that smashes together East and West for a stellar evening of food and drink. Quality brands creating something hyper-local, high-quality, and utterly delicious for curious customers.

East London Liquor Company is a brand that dares to dream and also appreciates the good that can be done by focusing your efforts on local ingredients and production. They’ve banged that drum for some time now, and activations like this one, show that the world is beginning to listen! Elliott Skehel, Mangrove Global, South West Business Development Manager.

To ensure a spot at The Hideout Takeover at Christina’s click here.